Our latest student story features Grigor Kerdikoshvili a Black Lions and Georgian National Team Player and current Setanta MSc in Performance Coaching student. 

Sporting Background and Journey

Grigor’s sporting journey is a diverse one. His initial dreams were of competing in the Olympics, representing Georgia in the sport of Judo. He then moved on to competing in both wrestling and American Football while based in the USA. He then found his passion for rugby. 

“Instantly enamored with the sport, I decided to pursue it professionally, eventually joining the Glendale Marlins rugby team in Denver, Colorado. In 2018, I played in the inaugural season of the US Major League Rugby with the Denver Raptors. In March 2019, I made my international debut for Georgia and have since played professionally in France with Agen while representing Georgia internationally. Currently, I am actively playing professionally and representing Georgia on the international stage.”

Developing an Interest in S&C

Being somewhat of a latecomer to the sport, Grigor’s rise to representing his country has been an impressive one. It hasn’t, however, come without its challenges. 

“In the last four years, I’ve undergone five major joint surgeries, including two on my shoulder and three on my knee. The path of rehabilitation has been incredibly difficult, not just physically but mentally as well. I’ve been fortunate to have been in the hands of great professionals who worked patiently with me through the ups and downs.”

It was through these rehabilitation journeys that Grigor developed an interest in strength and conditioning. 

“I realised that if I could help someone by giving them the best physical chance possible to avoid what I’ve experienced, then I would consider myself a happy man. So now, I’m pursuing that dream to help athletes become the best version of themselves and to give them confidence in their abilities. I believe strength and conditioning is a challenging yet rewarding field where people can help others to be the best version of themselves.”

Pursuing an MSc

This led Grigor on the path to pursuing an MSc in the field. He outlines his reasons for studying the MSc in Performance Coaching “allows me to combine my love for rugby with my desire to make a meaningful impact on the lives of athletes.”

It is an experience he has enjoyed so far. 

“The programme offers a comprehensive understanding of the field, thanks to the expertise of leading professionals who are always available to provide assistance when needed. What truly sets Setanta apart is its community of genuine, supportive individuals. I feel fortunate to be part of such an environment that fosters both personal and professional growth.”

Grigor also attended the recent MSc Residential Week in Dublin, where students spend a week applying the practices and concepts learned in online lectures. 

“Not only did it provide the chance to meet leading experts in the field, but it also allowed me to interact with highly motivated, knowledgeable individuals who share similar passions. Engaging with like-minded peers who offer diverse and interesting perspectives was truly inspiring. In just a short week, I gained invaluable in-depth knowledge and, most importantly, received reassurance that pursuing performance coaching after my rugby career is exactly what I want to do.”

Peer-to-peer learning was also a key takeaway from the week. “Interacting with fellow participants who share my passion for performance coaching was incredibly motivating.”

Balancing Professional Rugby and Studying

With the hectic schedule of a professional rugby career, Grigor outlines how he has found a balance. 

“I’ve been able to juggle both pursuits successfully. Setanta College’s flexible learning system has been instrumental in accommodating my rugby schedule, allowing me to pursue my education without compromising my athletic performance. While it requires dedication and discipline, the opportunity to enhance my knowledge and skills in performance coaching alongside my rugby career is immensely fulfilling.”

Impact on His Own Career

When discussing how his studies have impacted his playing career, Grigor outlines a number of areas in which it has benefitted him. 

“Firstly, it has deepened my understanding of the physiological and biomechanical aspects of athletic performance, allowing me to optimize my training regimen to improve strength, power, speed, and overall athletic capabilities.

Studying S&C has equipped me with valuable coaching skills and techniques that I can apply both on and off the field. As a player, I’m better able to communicate with coaches and trainers, understand the rationale behind different training methods, and contribute more actively to my own development as an athlete.

It has broadened my perspective on sports performance and fitness beyond my own career. It has instilled in me a passion for helping others achieve their athletic goals and has opened up opportunities for me to pursue coaching and mentorship roles in the future.”

Looking to the Future

There are a number of areas that Grigor hopes to utlisise his qualifications once he has completed the MSc in Performance Coaching. 

“One of my primary goals is to transition into a coaching role, where I can leverage my knowledge and expertise to mentor and develop athletes at all levels of competition.

Additionally, I aim to contribute to the field of sports science through research and innovation. I’m passionate about exploring new training methodologies, injury prevention strategies, and performance enhancement techniques that can push the boundaries of human performance. Furthermore, I see myself playing a role in education and mentorship within the sports community. Whether it’s through guest lectures, workshops, or online platforms, I want to share my knowledge and experiences with aspiring coaches, athletes, and fitness “

You can learn more about the MSc in Performance Coaching here.