Recently held over three weeks in the Western Cape locations of Stellenbosch and Cape Town in South Africa, the U20 Rugby World Championship brings together the twelve best U20 nations in the world to compete for the title. Through our longstanding partnership with World Rugby, we were delighted to be able to provide some of our S&C students with the opportunity to experience what it is like to work with elite level teams in a tournament setting. 

One of these students was Reece Truter, currently studying our BSc in Strength & Conditioning. For the duration of the tournament, Reece spent time with the U20 Spanish rugby team. Below, he provides insight into his experience with the team and the valuable lessons gained throughout the internship. 

Beginnings in S&C and Internship Opportunity

Having first began his career as a personal trainer, Reece shares how began to become more interested in high-performance sport. 

“I became fascinated by how strength and conditioning could enhance athletic performance through physical development. This passion for sport and exercise led me to explore the field further, finding strength and conditioning a natural progression from personal training.”

Reece describes his experience with the Spain team at the recent U20 Rugby World Championship as “incredible and unforgettable. The team, including both players and staff, were welcoming, respectful, and eager to share their knowledge, making it a truly enriching experience.” 

During the tournament, Reece had a range of responsibilities that helped with the team’s preparation and performance. “Since the team had a dedicated staff handling most tasks, my role was primarily supportive. During the tournament my roles included overseeing gym-based conditioning sessions, running occasional warmups and monitoring Catapult GPS data during certain field sessions and matchdays.  

I gained valuable experience in various aspects of athlete preparation, including: 

  • Matchday travel and logistics 
  • Gym sessions and athletic training 
  • On-field conditioning and practice sessions 
  • Athlete Load Monitoring 

A typical training day during the tournament involved one or two sessions: a gym session at 10 AM (45-60 minutes) and a field session at 11:30 AM or 12:00 PM (60-90 minutes). The intensity and type of sessions varied depending on the match schedule,” he explained.  

Key Takeaways from the Experience

Reflecting on his internship Reece noted, “This opportunity provided me with a comprehensive insight into elite sports conditioning and team management at an international level.” When asked what his biggest takeaway from the internship was, Reece shared, “Simplicity in planning is highly effective. Elite-level performance is about consistently executing the basics well and maximising available resources.” 

Working alongside the Spanish U20 strength and conditioning coaches Reece was able to learn from their experiences and knowledge. “The coaches shared some valuable advice with me during my internship,” Reece shared: 

  • Be kind, timely and respectful. 
  • Learn from successful templates and structures used by other coaches, understand their rationale, and adapt them to your situation to develop your coaching philosophy.  
  • Coaching development occurs primarily through practical experience in real coaching environments.  

Studying with Setanta

Reece is currently in his 2nd year studying with Setanta and the knowledge he has gained so far in his BSc in Strength & Conditioning studies benefited him in the internship. “The course provided me with a solid understanding of the practical applications of theoretical knowledge. The course helped me comprehend and appreciate the activities around me.

I was initially drawn to Setanta by their clear and informative website, which outlined the company’s mission, benefits, accreditation, partners, and the exposure students would gain. The opportunity to learn from and connect with industry-leading professionals was a significant factor in my decision to study with Setanta. ” 

The flexible nature of Setanta’s courses and the insights gained from the teaching faculty at Setanta have contributed to Reece’s positive experience studying with Setanta. 

“Over the past two years, the course has been excellent. It has provided valuable insights from industry-leading experts and covered various aspects of Strength and Conditioning. The online format offers flexibility, allowing me to balance other areas of my life while immersing myself in practical coaching environments to apply what I’ve learned.” 

Advice for Aspiring S&C Coaches

Thinking back on his experience at the U20 Rugby World Cup and the lessons he learned Reece offered some valuable advice for those starting out in their strength and conditioning career. 

“From my conversations with experienced S&C practitioners, my advice for those starting their S&C career is:  

  • Be kind, timely, and respectful. 
  • Clearly understand and communicate the rationale behind your training goals to ensure client/athlete buy-in. Without buy-in and intent, even the best programs will not achieve the desired results. 
  • Enjoy the journey, absorb as much as possible through connecting, shadowing, practising coaching, and documenting your experience.” 

 To learn more about studying with Setanta College, visit