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LTPAD: Setting the Foundations

Speakers: Dr Liam Hennessy, Des Ryan, Shayne Murphy & Dr Joe Warne

The Role of Technology in S&C

Speakers: Prof Ian Jeffreys, Des Ryan, Shayne Murphy & Dr Joe Warne

The Future of Performance Coaching

Speakers: Loren Landow, Ron McKeefery, Prof Ian Jeffreys & Dr Joe Warne

When: June 24th 2020 – 6:00pm Irish Standard Time (IST)

5:00 pm UTC/6:00 pm BST

US: 12:00 noon CT/10:00 am PT/1:00 pm ET/11:00 am MST

Online Learning with Industry Experts

At Setanta College, all of our lecturing faculty are first and foremost experienced coaches. While each has significant academic achievements, the key to teaching in such a practically applied area is the experience in practice. Learn from those who can do as well as teach.