Athlete-Centred Return-to-Performance Strategiesft. Dr Christine Wall, Nico De Villiers & Marc Beggs
Maximising Performance with Minimal Resources – Lessons in Overcoming the Oddsft. Adam Greene & Brent Janse van Rensburg
Building a High-Performance LTAD Framework within an English Premiership Rugby Academyft. Lorenzo Consonni & Simon Webster
The Female Athlete: Assessing ACL Injury Risk & Enhancing Testing Provisionsft. PJ Wilson, Amanda Fielding & Dr Matthew Bourne
An Introduction to the MSc in Applied Sport & Exercise Psychology and Accreditation Routes in Sports Psychologyft. Dr David McHugh & Michelle Caulfield
The Practitioner's Guide to Researching, Developing, Publishing & Presenting Contentft. Tom Cormier & Robert Linkul
A Strength-Based Approach To Performance Monitoring With Overhead Athletesft. Tom Cormier & Trey Job
Performance Nutrition: Practical Insights and Learnings from Professional Sportft. PJ Wilson & Gavin Rackard
Preparing For a Major Tournament - Setanta Coaches at RWC 2023ft. PJ Wilson, Dean Lester & Lorenzo Consonni
Athlete Journaling: A Simple Practice to Improve Performance and Wellbeingft. Dr David McHugh & Paul Kilgannon
Peak Performance – Coaching the Individual Athleteft. Ciaran Keogh, Sanita Puspure, Jonny Holland, Colin Griffin
Youth Athletic Development - Creating a Successful Pathwayft. Teresa Molohan, Paudie Rochie & Annie McCarra
The Future of Performance Coachingft. Loren Landow, Prof. Ian Jeffreys, Ron McKeefery & Dr. Joe Warne
Technology in Strength & Conditioningft. Des Ryan, Prof. Ian Jeffreys, Shayne Murphy & Dr. Joe Warne
S&C in Team Sports - The Keys to Successft. Annie McCarra, Aidan O'Mahoney, Ciaran Keogh & Shayne Murphy
The Psychology of the Olympic Gamesft. Dr David McHugh, Colin Griffin, Dr Emma Burrows & Dr Gregg Steinberg
The Next Chapter: Preparing for Life After Sportft. Dave McHugh, Marcus Horan, Sanita Puspure OLY, & Tino Best
Important Skills for a Modern Day Strength & Conditioning Coachft. Prof. Ian Jeffreys, Yuvraj Salvi & Nicole Rodriguez
Job Opportunities with a Qualification in Sport and Exercise Psychologft. David McHugh, Jerry Fitzpatrick, Nollaig O'Sullivan, Jenny Coady
Information Sessions
Master of Science in Performance Coaching | For Students in Indiaft. Prof Ian Jeffreys, Surabhi Date & Vishal Chitrakar